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In Everblue Science we dream that our planet will remain forever full of life, forever prosperous,
forever blue
The world is permanently changing, which brings in new tasks for the humanity. It challenges us, and at the same time inspires us.
Nowadays, the progress of scientific thought and technologies determines what our tomorrow is going to be like. Starting from such basic questions as what kind of air we will be breathing, what food products we will be eating and what water we will be drinking, to whether other planets will become a sustainable source of natural minerals for the Earth.

Everblue was created to find and formulate a universal technological solution for each of these issues.
The city of the future
Of course, in Dubai, in a multinational city of the future, technology, movement and energy. The atmosphere of this city is perfect for us, and the support of the UAE authorities aimed at science, ecology and innovation is the foundation of our development.
Everblue Science is formed by a multinational team. But where is our science and technology company located?
Meet the team
Each product we develop serves to improve the quality of human life and at the same time responds to the most pressing issues of the modern environmental agenda.
The root of our philosophy is the idea that modern technologies should protect human health and the safety of the environment. We are convinced that these two key-factors are not only interconnected, but indivisible.
Every day we choose whether to produce new artificial tools, which will give us a chance to recreate the vanishing world around us, or to finally find the fragile balance between technologies and nature. Here, in Everblue, we believe that the choice is obvious.
Our products
We produce systems for chemical-free water purification from bacteria and viruses for the purpose of recycling domestic wastewater based on membrane modules for micro, ultra and nano-filtration
Air tech
Water tech
Food tech
We produce a variety of systems for the food industry: a converter for neutralizing ethylene and pathogenic micro flora, a system for extending shelf life, a drying system, equipment for bactericidal cleaning during drying and drying itself
We develop and manufacture innovative air purifiers that provide not only filtration, but also complete decomposition of harmful vapors, gases, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores into harmless air components: carbon dioxide and water.
The company is registered as a mainland Limited Liability Company by the Department of Economy and Tourism, Government of Dubai.
License number:
License Activities: 
Research on Natural Science